Softnyx Forum
Exp Hackers Punishment List
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administrators
Joined: 4/20/2015(UTC) Posts: 4,464
Was thanked: 170 time(s) in 116 post(s)
Hello, This is the RIS Team.
Finally, RIS Team made a check Exp hacker system. That is equipped to find out with Exp hacker even though user use Exp hack only one time. The following users were caught cracking the Rakion regulation. We will never release Exp hacker. RIS has placed the corresponding ban on the characters listed below. RIS plans to put a high pressure and restriction on abusers to create a clean Rakion community.
We will do our best to maintain clean Rakion community.
If more than one character on one account used exp hack, we will only list one of the characters, since the entire account is banned anyway.
You can find character ID by "Ctrl+f".
Exp Hack Users:
[Axe][Pro] w330 XxWindzxX NHINTAONEMAY Furiouse Somaniction B4s1cN1nj4 ownuras Flyppercito vVGzNeRVv aw421 Yoshinoa monster8448 QuyKiem8448 [B]eer[H]ack DeAleRz MeeGoo2 FINAL[H]ope lF1R3lM4G3l AMDcta KingCalaban Xolucky777oX Chan_Silence NHINBOMAYNE xXGzNXx osopolar [D]eath[N]ot yoman1234 Avatar_OfWoe trymylongbow PimpMyKill [H]eineken xiaohack Sage_Shinobi DraGoN><ClaW [B]eer_333 xiaoPoser Aillena HumSupKia MotherFreak MunDiO GOD_Victor oOGzNeROo HumSupKia DatmaCuimia [AmikaPro] fdsafsdaf Erasera XJackasX Datma_[B]eer Silenth3ief [tomato] MaiDadYurDad lF1R3IM4G3I Tsynopsis ThE_TaCo_MaN NoobKnocker Hacker_xD StormXI 5elDolNl tornadoEG Tsynopsis NinLaoMaLa FastOne XxEarthzxX Im_Special hackingRules uber_golem [S]idious [D4RKM49E] >U>>B<>3<<R< PIMPD3VIL Fy3s4n PacoBR MotherFreak stonedegalz ratedx iNinj4r_ LordOfVic 1i1W33DMAK3R LoKo_DeaD ZxSibasakiZx PerfectWlndz sIeepeI DownfaIl Unclee BbHoneybB dawhdaghwdgw (Uzumaki) boylucky XiAo4rCh3r renacimiento [Anku] [Disorder] bEATyOaZZ Sephir()th Spinhead BigBadMoe sdgbrue ArchKougry HookedOnK archgalgal x_XHaxorX_x Fast_As_Hell LiLbutBig ATK_SPEED PrinceZuka PerrinAbrya UwillDie2 DeathMagika beatUup HACKER I_am_Stephy GodsDisciple Flushed n00bies Jessica124 SoulOfGod ShAd0wSinNeR Sword_Boy DraGoNClaW Hells_Spawn zetsuai Shrimp_Crack _fighter_ SpicyHot (ouch)best cornflakesx Guy27 Molotop FaIlenAngeIx IamFast [SuperGrip] zZVoLamZz GamerPro LordJaggi 1mma_dud3_ [A]xeStyle Sicarioxs ILRU sPeEDySMuF Guy7 Sarinu WraithArise Ajinru Dark_Stunner ShadowSwift H_O_SS_A_M3 nivacuong1 Recca_Kill (DALS) CantScarMe buffanator02 ll>_<ll PaRaDoX<RuLe Xterminater [Brendu] FEDER(07) elior_coolBS __IORI__ DatmaCuibap1 HolyXLaw CoolDunHill iFarm HammerOwnU xShiKuMaRux buffanator03 [S]SexyGirl alexasin MadeinSg 7550015 sPeEDySMuF ShAd0wSinNeR Recca_Kill nivacuong1 UncleDiggZ T0T3M StageBoy P1MPS_NIN TotalGhost NYzDevil ImFlammable HEadShotXxXx Connorx StunRun ProShootet XianJian iiBlueSkin Dark_Fire_3 Recca_Kill nivacuong1 AvAngEr_ Oceannoob Molotop El_Puerco DrowningStaf bloodstormX tricky1 (GaMe)Over onglongvidai toivoiban L0L4FuNNN XshmantonX AgentEpyon KillkionK KillkionJ KilI4FuNNN KaoticFire PO____PO SaKuRaTaKai iamsexypus 1m8z7m1lpahj AgentEpyon kill_golems PiMPSMuRF icanownu noobmyddraal As[N]inJa HiredForce15 BoDyRippErX [D]NecroFear Ligtness batman24 taoneku_9 Suibaku FlamyNarutoX sinlce BloodyHam ZzRasenganzZ )V(ega_NOOB uber_pro Sniper_GoDz ZzRasenganzZ ShooD0gs Rak_69 CIimh4zz4rd blackwiz1 Godly_Smithz roxyx lStandAlone Spidergirl87 Ap0CaIyPsE Eitan_EX [NiggaNINz BenAmi2007 ZzChidorizZ Unforgivin bloodyslayer 6ury _BloodKiss_ Unforgivin PuDeL66 HottieLegend Unforgive[N] FLlP_KEES megamanpro woshispiffy ALyVanLun Axe_Style vuicungiadin W4rL0rd4 ZardX cung_thu1993 Lalalalazz FreeKillMe F2KU hegokiem DevineSword thuongthoi8 tornado_EG cuibepthoiem Happy_Dery Trum_BaoTo ShaDowMAgix buadaymaynho JustATrying oOChumOo Dark_Bow_3 Aveyond Dark_Sword_3 SniperCH Flecison xMsNinzx archbltch [uTnTu] EatMyBombs tornado_boo Mag_Gripper [B]ull(S)ht Ileena haix archbs brokenthrouG HaARiZz Rerox iOwnU2Hell ShadowXX606 Neutronx ShooturLan XxWindzxX [bm]KiemTien Mess_You_Up [llI]__[lll] TheLilDog ChosenChoasX Kiiiba Hellandeth TheJuggler56 SonicCloud GhostPwned jediknight41 masterchief [Smith] KingSmithie hurlan ChAoS_ArCh93 RaklonsIayer Bl00DTaKeR Z_ArchGoddes blazedkingz BlazinBase hackersLlFE NIGINO xXaZnMigeTXx fckj00n00b I<>I<>I satan690769 [CD]BEAST GodRanger Song_it_so SorrowXI
We will not be lifting bans for the hackers listed above. Thank you for your support!
Yours Sincerely, Softnyx co. Ltd.
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Exp Hackers Punishment List
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